John's 1st 4th of July

John's 1st 4th of July

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

John's developmental age

I was told by doctors not to expect anything from John for the first couple of years of his life. They assessed him about 2 months ago and said that his mental and physical age is 0-3 months, he was 14 months at the time. They sure were wrong. I should have known by now NOT to go by what I'm told instead by what I see John doing. Sure he might not be meeting his milestons on time but he is not acting like a 0-3 month old. He may not talk and I do think that the trach has a lot to do with it but he has learned to communicate with us in a different way. He knows that shaking his head means no and nodding means yes, if he has a dirty diaper he grabs his diaper and scratches it until we notice. If he doesn't want us doing something to him he will pinch our hands until we leave him alone, he has also learned on how to untie the trach tie. I know to some people it may not seem like a lot but I have learned not to take any of his actions for granted. He has proven doctors wrong since birth and defied many odds.  Today while we were out shopping he saw a toy he wanted and reached for it, when I left the toy he threw a fit because he wanted. I know I shouldn't have but it broke my heart to see him for the first time wanting a toy and me not get it for him so I did. He hugged the toy the whole way home and has had fun playing with it. It is the little things like this that make all of the struggles worth it. None of John's actions are taken for granted. Everytime he learns something new or reached a new milestone it's just so exciting. Our special children should never be compared to "normal" children on milestones, instead we should appreciate and encourage our children when they do learn something new, even if it is something small.

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